In God's Time, Faith-Hope-LoveTM

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In God’s Time, Faith-Love-Hope is a timepiece design that expresses a different attitude to one’s individual prayers and expectations. It serves as a reminder to practice a calmer and clearer understanding to life. These watches, wall clocks and table clocks provide a sense of comfort and are an excellent tool for children and adults to remember that if we have expectations… be patient.

In the hectic pace of the modern world today, many people find they feel lost, confused and hopeless. They struggle for answers and to find happiness can be crippling when the world around them feels like it’s spinning out of control. Tony thought of an idea called “In God’s Time, Faith-Love-HopeTM, which helps to teach the concept of living with patience and managing expectations.

Tony was inspired to think of this design during his sobriety.

“I entered alcohol rehabilitation at the Salvation Army in 1977. I started hearing the phrase ‘In God’s Time, Faith-Love-Hope’. Being sober since 1977, I live life knowing I will only receive what God wants me to have ‘In God’s Time’. I had a dream about a watch and put it on paper and it became this design.”